The Beauty of Sea Buckthorn
What is Sea Buckthorn? The winter hardy shrub, Hippaophae rhammnoides, is native to Eurasia and is widely known as an ornamental plant. Popular for its bright orange berries that last […]
Spring Allergies

Here comes warm weather, afternoon drizzles, and blooming flowers. Does this come hand in hand with sneezing, itchy eyes, scratchy throat and a sinus headache? Then you are likely experiencing […]
Chronic Caffeine

Many of us enjoy a cup of coffee first thing in the morning or to sustain that energy drag around 3 pm. That bolt of caffeine makes us feel happy, […]
One fish, two fish, red fish, Mercury Fish?
I promote increased fish consumption in the majority of my patients. Fish are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which promote a stable mood, improved memory, reduced triglycerides, nerve conduction, […]
HEAL your Prostate
What is the prostate? The prostate is spongy gland about the size of a walnut that surrounds the neck of the male bladder and urethra. During the male orgasm, the […]
Are Food Sensitivities Making Me Fat?

Food is meant to be nourishing, give us energy and allow us to perform optimally. But how often do you feel tired, bloated and gassy or have brain fog after […]
Skin Cancer 101
It’s time to bear all and discuss our skin. When was the last time you really took a close look at your skin? Examined all of its beauty marks, spots, […]
Get Physical!
We all get busy planning trips, parties, family occasions and work deadlines. The one thing that gets easy to put off is our annual physical! Meeting with your doctor at […]
Look Good from your Skin to your Bones!
Boost: Bone & Skin Skin – Want to be wrinkle free and fabulous in your 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond? It starts now! Protect your skin with a full-spectrum (UVA/UVB- […]
Spring Cleaning
Shake out the drapes, dust the shelves, clean all the windows….it’s spring! Spring cleaning is not a new practice and it does wonders to freshen up the home after a […]