Mobile Vitamin Injections – San Diego

B-12 Injections San Diego Why an injection? 100% absorbed Therapeutic dose Feel better faster and longer By passes the gut and any medications you take that could block absorption Takes […]
Mobile Vitamin Injections – Huntington Beach

B-12 Injections Why an injection? 100% absorbed Therapeutic dose Feel better faster and longer By passes the gut and any medications you take that could block absorption Takes the guess […]
Mobile Vitamin Injections – Long Beach

B-12 Injections Why an injection? 100% absorbed Therapeutic dose Feel better faster and longer By passes the gut and any medications you take that could block absorption Takes the guess […]
Bone Health for Endurance Athletes – Mountain Bikers and More…

Photo by Anna Shvets Article published in MTB Girls Magazine You’re ripping down the trail, railing corners, and feeling the flow—until the wheels slide out from under you. You slam […]
Vertigo – Stop the Spinning and Start Healing

Recovery Files: Vertigo Published in MTB Girls Magazine Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio Waking up to feeling your tires spinning out of control, nausea and motion sickness, sense of […]
Love & Healing to LA

Working in Los Angeles county for most of my life, my heart is grieving with you during this devastating time. As I can’t offer much in physical support in this […]